Privacy policy

In COLLMA, SPOL. s r.o., IČO: 36385824 (hereinafter referred to as “we”) we pay great attention to the protection of personal data. In this document you will find information about what personal data we process, especially about our customers and users of our website, whether we process data on the basis of consent or other legal reason, for what purposes we use it, to whom we may transfer it and what we have in connection with processing of your personal data rights.
What data do we process?
If you visit our website, we store cookies on your device and then read cookies from it. When you use our submission form, we work with your name and surname, email and possibly telephone number, if you provide it.
Why do we process personal data and what entitles us to do so?
We process your personal data in different situations for different purposes. We are entitled to the processing of personal data either by the preparation or performance of a contract with you, compliance with legal obligations, our legitimate interests or your consent.
As part of our activities, we process personal data for various purposes and to various extents, either:

  1. without your consent based on the performance of the contract, our legitimate interest or the performance of a legal obligation, or
  2. with your consent.
    What processing we can perform without your consent depends on the purpose for which the processing is directed and in what position you are acting towards us – whether you are just a visitor to our website or use our contact form.
    If you visit our website
    Use of cookies
    When you visit our website, we store and then read cookies from your device. Some cookies are stored directly on your device by our website. These cookies help us:
    • identify you when browsing between pages of our site and when you visit again
    • register, investigate and eliminate faults and non-functional parts of our website.
    Such cookies and other files are necessary for the functioning of our website. If you block these cookies in your browser, our website may not work properly and we may not be able to provide you with our products and services.
    Next to your device:
    • we store cookies from our website, which allow us to:
    • monitor traffic to our website, its individual pages, create statistics and reports;
    • we allow cookies to be stored by third parties who may use them:
    • to collect data about your behavior on our website and on other websites;
    • To view customized offers and targeted advertising within ad and social networks on others
    websites other than our website;
    • to connect to social networks such as Facebook.
    If you do not use the use of third – party cookies and the transfer of your data to advertising and social networks in
    section of the Privacy Settings and after our notification you click on any link on our website (outside the notification panel) or click on the “I understand” button, which is part of the notification, we will consider that by using these cookies and transmitting your data to advertising and social you agree to the networks. You can revoke your consent at any time by disabling this feature in the Privacy Settings section.
    Use of personal data of website visitors
    If you visit the website, we process data about your behavior on the website based on our legitimate interest (ie without your consent) for the purposes of:

• obtaining information that will enable us to improve the website for you in the future; our legitimate interest here is to improve our services for you;
• creating statistics and reports, in particular tracking traffic to our website, its individual pages; our legitimate interest here is to measure the effectiveness of ours; for this purpose, we may collect and use additional derived data from your conduct on the web
• preventing attacks on our website and endangering its functionality and the security of your data; our legitimate interest is the trouble-free functionality of our services for you and the security of your data.
If you use the contact form
If you use our contact form, we work with your name and surname, email and possibly phone number, if you provide it.
We use the personal data you have entered to contact you.
Who processes your personal data and to whom do we deliver it?
All the mentioned personal data are processed by us as the operator. This means that we determine the purposes for which we collect your personal data as defined above, determine the means of processing and are responsible for their proper execution.
From what sources do we obtain personal data?
We usually collect personal data directly from you via our website or by communicating with you.
What are your rights when processing personal data?
You have several rights in relation to your personal data. These include the right of access, rectification, erasure, processing restrictions, portability, objection and complaint.
Just as we have our rights and obligations when processing your personal data, you also have certain rights when processing your personal data.

These rights include:

Right of access
Simply put, you have the right to know what data we process about you, for what purpose, for how long, when we collect your personal data, to whom we transfer it, who processes it other than us, and what other rights you have related to the processing of your personal data. You can find out all of this in this “Privacy” document. However, if you are unsure of the personal information we process about you, you can ask us to confirm whether or not the personal information about you is being processed by us, and if so, you have the right to access this personal data. As part of the right of access, you can ask us for a copy of the personal data processed, the first copy being provided free of charge and the other copies for a fee. Right of correction
To err is human. If you find that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected or supplemented without undue delay.
Right of deletion
In some cases, you have the right to have your personal information deleted. We will delete your personal data without undue delay if any of the following reasons is met:
• we no longer need your personal data for the purposes for which we processed it;
• you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, which are data on which the processing is based
your consent is necessary and at the same time we have no other reason why we still need this data
to process;
• exercise your right to object to the processing (see the Right to object to processing section below)
personal data that we process based on our legitimate interests and we find that already
we do not have any such legitimate interests that would justify such processing, or
• you believe that the processing of personal data by us has ceased to be in accordance with generally binding regulations.

But please keep in mind that even if this is one of these reasons, it does not mean that we will delete all your personal data immediately. This right is not permitted if the processing of your personal data is still necessary for the fulfillment of our legal obligation or the determination, exercise or defense of our legal claims.
Right to restrict processing
In some cases, in addition to the right to erasure, you may exercise the right to restrict the processing of personal data. This right allows you in certain cases to request that your personal data be marked and that this data not be subject to any further processing operations – in this case, however, not forever (as in the case of the right of erasure), but for a limited period of time. We must restrict the processing of personal data when:
• you deny the accuracy of personal data until we agree what the data is correct;
• we process your personal data without a sufficient legal basis (eg beyond what
we will have to process), but you will only prefer to limit such data before deleting it
(e.g. if you expect to provide us with such information in the future);
• we no longer need your personal data for the stated purposes of processing, but you request it for determination,
the exercise or defense of their legal rights, or
• You object to processing. As long as we determine whether your objection is justified, we are required to restrict the processing of your personal data.
Right of portability
You have the right to obtain from us all your personal data which you have provided to us and which we process on the basis of your consent and on the basis of the performance of the contract. In order for us to be able to easily transfer the data at your request, it can only be data that we process automatically in our electronic databases.
Right to object to processing
You have the right to object to the processing of personal data which takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest. In other cases, we will do so unless we have compelling reasons to proceed with such processing.
Right to lodge a complaint
Exercising your rights as set out above does not affect your right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. You may exercise this right, in particular, if you believe that we are processing your personal data unauthorizedly or in violation of generally binding legal regulations. You can file a complaint against the processing of personal data performed by us at the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is located at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, e-mail:
How is it possible to enforce an individual right?
In case of exercising individual rights, send us a request to In case of any ambiguities or questions, call us at +421 43 423 75 42.

We will process your request without undue delay, but within a maximum of one month. In exceptional cases, especially due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend this period by another two months. We will inform you of such a possible extension and its justification.